Lighting the path forward for Livingston, St. Helena, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington Parishes.

en English




Thank you for choosing us to partner with you in your journey to recovery and wellness. We take pride in the quality of services we provide and continually strive to improve our services to make your experience as pleasant as possible. Our services are personalized to meet your individual needs.

If you are interested in seeking services at one of our outpatient behavioral health clinics, you may walk in Monday- Friday anytime between 8:00am and 3:30pm to initiate services. 

 We also ask that you please bring the following:

  • picture ID 
  • proof of income
  • proof of insurance (if applicable)
  • list of current medications
  • Custody paperwork (if the client is a child, the legal guardian must submit custody paperwork.)

Other helpful resources to review prior to your appointment can be found below:

Privacy Policy Flipbook

No one will be denied access to services due to an inability to pay. There is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available. FPHSA will also assist you with applying for Medicaid.

Special Note: If you are a pregnant woman who uses drugs and/or alcohol, please let us know this immediately as it is our policy provide increased efforts to accessing care to these priority populations. We strive to provide quick access to care for all persons seeking treatment. Pregnant intravenous drug users, other pregnant substance abusers, intravenous drug users, and all other substance users have priority access to treatment.

If you need special assistance or would like to request any type of accommodations, please let us know as soon as possible. FPHSA is pleased to offer interpreter and translation services at all locations.

What to expect at your first visit

When you arrive, please go to the check-in window where one of our friendly staff will greet you. You will be given an application packet to complete if you have not already done so and you will be asked for the information listed above.

Telehealth Services

In-person appointments/visits are preferred; however, telehealth appointments are sometimes an option if clinically appropriate. Please note that telehealth services are not able to replace in-person care entirely and in-person care may allow for a more comprehensive understanding of your needs. In addition, in-person care would allow for a physical observation and assessment and obtain necessary health information such as vital signs and weight monitoring sometimes needed for treatment. 

Refusing Telehealth/Virtual Services: At any time, you may refuse services delivered through telehealth/virtual services and request that services be provided in-person. In these cases, the provider will arrange for an in-person visit.

Telehealth/Virtual Exclusions: Providers may deny a request for a telehealth/virtual appointment and require a face-to-face visit when it is clinically indicated or medically necessary.

My Electronic Medical Health Record

Your health record is accessible to you 24 hours a day/7 days a week through our medical record portal which is available via your smartphone or tablet. For more information, please click here


We at FPHSA are here to be a partner in your recovery by providing assessment and treatment services for individuals and their significant others experiencing substance use and/or gambling behaviors.

We consider intravenous drug users and pregnant women who are seeking addiction services as priority populations who are admitted for services as soon as possible after seeking treatment.

We provide an array of services in our outpatient, intensive outpatient (IOP) and residential programs:

  • Screening/assessment
  • Medication Assisted Treatment (with non-narcotic medications)
  • Individual Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Tobacco Cessation
  • Gambling counseling
  • Assessment and coordination of health needs
  • Residential Services

Our intensive outpatient option includes groups 3 days a week for 3 hours per session along with individual and family therapy.

FPHSA also distributes Narcan (or Naloxone) in an effort to prevent overdoses. Narcan can be given to a person in order to reverse the effects of an overdose of opioid painkillers or heroin and is often described as an “opiate antidote.” If you or a family member is at risk of an opiate overdose, we encourage you to have Narcan on hand in the event of an emergency. Narcan can’t be used to get high and it is safe to use on anyone because it’s only action on the body is to reverse the effects of the opiate overdose. It is available in an easy to use form of a nasal spray and should be given to the person who has overdosed while waiting on an ambulance to arrive.

Our residential programs, Fontainebleau Treatment Center (FTC) for males and Alcohol Drug Unit (ADU) for females offer substance use services allowing you to work on your recovery in a protected environment for 3-4 weeks.


Florida Parishes Human Services Authority is the single point of entry for developmental disabilities services in the following parishes: Livingston, St. Helena, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington Parish.

To initiate the process of determining eligibility for services, please call (985) 543-4730 anytime Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and request to schedule an entry appointment for Developmental Disabilities.  The person for whom eligibility is to be determined, must be present when applying for services. The initial in-person interview date will be the person’s “protected” date. The “protected” date will be the date included on OCDD registries for supports or services requested (except EarlySteps).

You may complete the Initial Contact form before or during the interview. To complete the process and substantiate the qualifying condition bring the following supporting documentation to the in-person interview.

  • Proof of identification 
  • Proof of health insurance or Medicaid card 
  • School records (if receiving or have received special education services such as IEP, Pupil Appraisal) 
  • Legal papers (custody, interdiction, power of attorney, etc.) 
  • Psychosocial evaluations which may include an IQ score
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder evaluation by a Licensed Professional for whom diagnosis and assessment is with in his scope of practice based upon a least one recognized standard assessment.
  • If the potentially qualifying condition is a medical diagnosis bring a medical assessment current within twelve (12) months.
  • If a behavioral health condition exists a behavioral health assessment within 12 months.

If you do not have these documents, you will be assisted in in obtaining them.

What to expect at the in-person interview:

  • A review of the criteria for participation. 
  • Potential resources and referrals including Medicaid participant services.
  • Review of evaluations requested and identify additional information that may be needed. 
  • Signing of the HIPAA Authorization to Release Information form or Obtain Information form, if applicable. 
  • You will receive the “Rights” document. 
  • Signing of the OCDD Request for Participation Form 
  • For individuals 18 years of age or older or turning 18 before the next election and will be offered the opportunity to register to vote. 
  • Questions related to the developmental milestones will be asked. 
  • The standard screening measure/tool concerning functional limitation and support needs will be completed. 
  • A Support Profile will be completed which will identify the supports and services, desires, goals and any issues concerning the person’s well-being.

Services and Supports

Services and supports are developed on a Plan of Support which focuses on the individual’s goals to build the best life possible. Such services and supports may include the following:

  • Individual and Family Support: The intent of the program is to meet those needs of individuals a with developmental disabilities, which exceed those normally met by existing resources, both entitlements and those occurring naturally in the individual’s family and community. Examples: Personal Care Attendant, In home respite, companion care.
  • Flexible Family Fund: This program provides a cash stipend to family of eligible children under the age of 18 years with severe and profound disabilities. The intended use of the cash stipend is to be used for the extraordinary cost of a child with severe or profound developmental disabilities living at home.
  • Crisis Funding:  Funding for unexpected services/support when no other funding source is available.
  • Crisis Referral: A referral to a program for intense intervention.
  • Residential Services: Assistance in a referral to a licensed private provider which provides 24 hour supports in a community or group home.
  • PASRR: When an individual with a developmental disability seeks admission to a nursing home, a review of the most appropriate setting and specialized services are reviewed.
  • Day/Vocational: assistance for an individual with developmental disabilities in securing employment related services.
  • Early Steps transitioning to the Developmental Disabilities system: A child age 2 years and 9 months who has been served in EarlySteps will be referred for the intake process into the DD system.
  • Screening for Urgency of Need (SUN): This screening identifies needs, reviews supports currently in place, and determines the urgency of any unmet needs. This screening assist in the prioritization on the RFSR (based on need for services that are available in waiver and current living situation and supports available [not based on complexity of individual need]). Prioritized offers are based on SUN score and then earliest FRSR date.
  • Waiver Protected date: A request to reopen the protected date on the RFSR may be made. Depending on the reason the date was closed the request may be approved. .
  • Waiver Services Information
    • Children’s Choice Waiver
    • New Opportunities Waiver
    • Residential Options Waiver
    • Supports Waiver


Links to additional Services and Supports

  • Louisiana Department of Health Developmental Disabilities

  • Provider List

  • Northshore Families Helping Families

  • Medicaid

  • EPSDT Personal Care Services

  • Flexible Family Funds

To access the application for flexible family funds, please click here.