Medicaid home and community –based waiver programs offer greater opportunity for individuals to live, work and recreate in the community setting of their choice . To apply for a Waiver opportunity, the applicant must apply through the entry process and have been determined eligible to receive developmental disability services in Louisiana. Services provided must represent the least-restrictive treatment alternative. Each home and community-based waiver has specific service packages and eligibility requirements. Waiver opportunities are dependent upon funding and are offered based on the individual’s need and priority level from their Screening for Urgency of Need (SUN) through the Request for Services Registry.
Children’s Choice Waiver
The Children’s Choice Waiver offers supplemental support to children 0 through 20 years of age who currently live at home with their families. The service package of up to $20,650.00 per year is designed for maximum flexibility and includes Support Coordination and options of Respite/Family Support, Family Training, Specialized Medical Equipment, Environmental Accessibility Adaptations and therapy services. Individuals who reach the age of 18 and want to work may choose to transition to a Supports Waiver as long as they remain eligible for waiver services. Waiver participants are eligible for all medically necessary Medicaid services, including Early Periodic Screening, Diagnostics and Treatment (EPSDT) screenings and extended services. Children will “age out” when they reach their 21st birthday and will transfer into the most appropriate waiver for adults as long as they remain eligible for waiver services.
New Opportunities Waiver (NOW)
The New Opportunities Waiver offers home or community-based services to people age 3 and older who would otherwise require the level of care found in an Intermediate Care Facility (ICF/IDs). The NOW includes an array of services aimed at assisting people to live as independently as possible by supplementing the family and/or community supports while supporting dignity and quality of life. The NOW is appropriate for those individuals whose health and welfare can be assured via an individualized support plan and for whom home and community based waiver services represent a least restrictive environment alternative. The NOW is intended to provide specific, activity focused services rather than continuous custodial care.
Residential Options Waiver (ROW)
The Residential Options Waiver is designed to offer services necessary to support people of all ages in moving from an ICF/IDs or nursing home to a community-based setting. It is a capped waiver with the person’s individual annual budget being based on the person’s support needs and the current ICF/ID budget rate.
Supports Waiver
This waiver offers a way to provide options and meaningful opportunities through vocational training and inclusion to individuals who are age 18 or older who would otherwise require the level of care found in an ICF/ID. These options include Support Coordination, Day Habilitation, Prevocational services, Supported Employment, Respite, Permanent Supportive Housing Transition and Stabilization, and Personal Emergency Response Systems.