Lighting the path forward for Livingston, St. Helena, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington Parishes.

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A man giving another man a hug, while a third man works at a table | Residential Services


Living arrangements may be requested when no other out of home arrangements can be made. Staff will assist the individual or family in seeking appropriate living arrangements. These arrangements may include the following:

Supported Living

The individual lives independently (alone or with a roommate) in a location they select. The supports can be minimum such as a provider assisting with money management to maximum such as 24 hours of a caregiver. Individuals having 24 hour supports have a Home and Community Based waiver.

Community/Group Home

This living arrangement has several individuals living in a home. Staff provide 24 hour oversite (Active Treatment). Each individual has a Plan of Support which is implemented and monitored in order to meet the individual’s goals (Active Treatment). The home is licensed as an Intermediate Care Facility for people with Intellectual Disabilities by LDH, Health Standards.