Lighting the path forward for Livingston, St. Helena, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington Parishes.

en English


Office Closure: Hurricane Francine

Due to Hurricane Francine, all FPHSA outpatient clinics and Administrative offices will be closed on Wednesday, September 11 through noon on Thursday, September 12.

If you experience a behavioral health crisis during office closure, you can access our after-hours emergency line through ViaLink by dialing ‪1-855-268-1091 or “211”. You can also access crisis chat at ‪ Text Chat is also available by texting “TXT211” to ‪504-777-EASE (3273).

If you have a medical emergency, please go to the nearest Emergency Room or dial 911.

To download a copy of FPHSA’s Emergency Handbook “My Access-to-Services Plan for when Emergencies Strike!”, please click here. This handbook offers information how to access critical behavioral health and developmental disabilities resources in the event of severe weather impacts to our region.

Quick List of Other Pertinent Phone Numbers that you can save in your contacts:

FPHSA Crisis Line 1-855-268-1091 or “211”

Suicide Prevention Lifeline “988”

Trans Lifeline 1-877-565-8860

Military Veterans 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Press 1

Spanish Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Press 2

Please continue to check here for critical operational updates.

Thank you for choosing FPHSA!


Florida Parishes Human Services Authority Governing Board News

Florida Parishes Human Services Authority welcomes new governing board member, Noble-Bates Young, appointed to represent St. Tammany Parish. Ms. Young has a tremendous amount of governmental relations experience and legislative knowledge. Her expertise and knowledge that she has gained through her education, volunteer, and work experience will be invaluable to the board.

Pictured left to right: Tim Lentz, FPHSA Governing Board Member- St. Tammany Parish; Noble-Bates Young, FPHSA Governing Board Member- St. Tammany Parish; Richard J. Kramer, FPHSA Executive Director; Genesa Garafolo Metcalf, FPHSA Governing Board Chair/Member- Tangipahoa Parish; and Carol Stafford, FPHSA Governing Board Vice Chair/Member- Livingston Parish


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